When Pages Scroll

We can scroll pages left or right. Sometimes they scroll themselves. Occasionally they scroll foolishly. Someday they will do more, like overlap. Here we fight foolishness and prepare for a marvelous future.

Direct Calls

We search the codebase and find all but one call on active.set to be in response to user-interface events.

In legacy.coffee

Open page in wiki.doInternalLink. ★

Keydown event handler for arrow keys.

On click of any page.

Open page in click handler for actions.

On ready activates right-most page.

In search.coffee

Open search results page.

In state.coffee

History's state.show activates right-most page.

In test/active.coffee

To show that active.set sets .active class

Indirect Calls

We trace backwards to understand all contexts were scrolling might be initiated.

Calls on doInternalLink

In legacy.coffee finishClick handles opening pages for .internal and .remote links as well as fork actions.

In neighborhood.coffee flag clicks open welcome-visitors.

Click handling in radar, scatter and force plugins open pages.

Sneak Paths

One foolish scroll has been traced to clicks being multiply handled, both as a .remote link and then as a .page click. "return false" severed this connection.