We want to search titles in the vicinity of where we've been reading. Kudos Pete Hodgson for getting this started.
✔ Refresh could fetch sitemaps when it renders pages, or just update a list of neighbors.
✔ Bonus: render the neighbors as flags in the origin bar.
✔ Update the origin bar incrementally with each new registration.
✔ Register sites when they are introduced by the factory manufacturing references in response to dropped urls.
✔ Collect sitemap.json for at least the origin, and then every other server we encounter.
✔ Perform network io independently of the text searching.
✔ Search bar searches list of neighbors maintained in javascript memory.
✔ Search bar uses the cached sitemaps.json
✔ Display highest priority search results with first paragraph if we have it.
✔ Click a displayed entry to open that.
✔ Return opens the page with the highest priority, or opens ghost page that leads to many choices.