We're interested in new kinds of visualization and new ways to make them.
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Charts 'n Things is a blog of data sketches from the New York Times Graphics Department by Kevin Quealy
Parallel Coordinates view into many objects with many attributes. Working example with a tutorial.
Parallel Sets view into many objects with many attributes that might not be quantitative.
PNNL's CFL v. LED report uses radar charts to visualize LCA data with improvements over what we do.
Cross Filter client-side slicing of large datasets with rendering in D3.
L.A. Times data desk, a python shop.
Evolution of the Web interactive infographic. hyperakt
, vizzuality
BBC's Web for covering the olympics.
Greater Portland Pulse offers urban datasets and the means to explore their visualization.
Cut The Rope translated from objective-c to html5 to demo the game performance of IE9/10.
Architectural Database suggests top level place patterns db. Makes good use of Bird's Eye View.
Santiago Ortiz visualizes collections, especially collections of visualizations.
Jason Davies creative with and upon d3.js, especially maps
Interactive Data Visualization free online book by Scott Murray for d3.js from O'Reilly.
Print What You Like web tool selects and edits pages for printing. sample
CutJS add-on DOM for canvas animations.
Visualizing MBTA Trains in the style of Tufte & Victor.
Gibber audio/video synthesis by Charlie Roberts, UCSD.